New or Noticeable Growth:
- new pumpkin seedling!
- second and third true leaves forming on squashes!
- second and third true leaves on broccoli!
- distinct true leaves on all tomatoes
- distinct true leaves on sage
- first true leaves on parsley!
Possible Problems:
- one zucchini's cotyledons are turning yellow
- smallest butternut appears to be suffering from rust
- cosmos are still extremely spindly
Actions since last post:
- threw out diseased pumpkin and other diseased seedlings.
Update on Compost:
Lookin' good! I wasn't wearing my butch lesbian hiking boots today (because I was transplanting--see below!), so I didn't fully rake out the materials. But I just tossed the upper bits around to add more kitchen scraps. YES! It's starting to cook in there! I'm so excited!
New Definition!
"Hardening off", besides sounding like a wonderful euphemism, is something you do to plants that were started indoors but you ultimately want growing outdoors. You slowly introduce them to the outdoor-world.
Depending on the plant and the weather, this could be in half-hour increments over three weeks, or, like, hour-increments over two weeks... The idea is to lessen the shock of cold, wind, direct sunlight, humidity, etc. Because the shock could kill them.
This is the second or third time my plants have been outside, and they were out for about 1.5 hours. I think the wind may have been too much, though (see below).
Plants Thinned/Transplanted:
- Broccoli
- Tomato
- Cherry Tomato - Hybrid
- Cherry Tomato - Sun Sugar
- Agastache Cana
- Marigold
- Bee Balm
- Cosmos (they're just EVERYWHERE)
These counts includes plants of poor health--but there are not many of them!
Tomato - Stupice: 21 plants
Cherry Tomato - Hybrid: 13 plants
Cherry Tomato - Sun Sugar: 17 plants
Basil - Genovese: 20 plants
Basil - Purple: 18 plants
Parsley: 11 plants, some are very young and delicate-looking, two have true leaves
Zucchini: 2 vigorous plants!
Butternut: 3 plants; two vigorous, one has issues
Pumpkin: 1 new seedling
Peas - Snow: 4 plants, well on their way
Peas - Snap: 3 plants, just beginning; 1 seed germinated but hasn't yet pushed a stem up.
Flowers: will count another day...
Lessons Learned - Seed Starting
- Try this growing medium next time: 2 parts starter soil, like 7 parts coir, 1 part perlite.
- Large plastic cells are better than small plastic cells.
- Fibre cells are better than plastic cells.
- Individual fibre cells (at least Jiffy Pots) take up a lot of room and tear easily when wet.
- Connected fibre cells don't hold their shape well, and squishing them will alter the soil shape!
- Connected fibre cells are stronger than Jiffy Pots.
- Connected fibre cells are the way of the future!
- Seeds that have produced seedlings don't need to be covered. In fact, they will be healthier when uncovered after a few days of growth!
- Have one tray for starting seeds ONLY. When seedlings emerge, move them to an uncovered tray at most one week later!
- Sow fewer seeds per cell. More cells is better than more seeds per cell.
- tomatoes--all of them
- broccoli!
- basil, for the most part
- zucchini
- peas--both kinds
- pumpkin
- parsley
Don't over-seed cells; this ESPECIALLY applies to:
- tarragon
- chamomile
- oregano
Photo time!
Besides using colour-coded plastic toothpicks, I can now distinguish the regular tomatoes from the cherry tomatoes!
Regular tomato:
Cherry Tomatoes: Hybrid (upper) and Sun Sugar (lower):
After transplanting the tomatoes and broccoli, they went LIMP! I was so scared!
But they started to perk back up after about an hour:
Chamomile: looks like they've survived transplanting! A little spindly, but healthy.
Sage: I'm a little concerned... Some may not make it.
Snow Peas. You can see them putting out curling tendrils! They'll have to go outside soon!
Snap Peas: about a week younger than the snow peas above. In the right picture you can see the pea (seed) with the root and plumule coming out! How neat is that? (That's pretty neat!)
Pumpkin seedling! He looks happy!
Butternut: The smallest one seemed to have some difficulties, might be rust.
Trimmed the infected parts off. Hope it survives! It's already put out some true leaves, though; so it should be okay...!
Another butternut plant. It has little yellow-brown specks.
Zucchini plant has yellowing cotyledons! Oh noes!
However, it's also putting out it's fourth and fifth true leaves!
Basil - Genovese and Purple: There doesn't seem to be much change. Maybe they're still adapting to their new homes...
Cosmos - Candy Stripe. True leaves!
Bee Balm. A very nice new friend of mine recommended I plant my Bee Balm in a container, as it's a relative of Mint, and will spread EVERYWHERE if I'm not careful. Noted!
Agastache Cana: Also a relative of Mint, so I might want to pot this, too.
Marigold: Man I just love seeing these true leaves!
Calendula: some are a bit weak and spindly; the leaves are heavy and the stem has difficulty keeping them up. Also: the cotyledons and true leaves look very similar!
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