Until I can get an anti-fungal spray (after Wed's exam), all I can do is replace the affected popsicle sticks, and rub the new ones with some tea tree oil (which has antifungal properties).
I also wiped the clear plastic lids and sprayed with a bottle containing water and a few drops of oil; and sprayed the seedlings very lightly. I had not expected this (though it makes sense in hindsight) and am very nervous...
Plants that have germinated since last post:
Purple Basil: I can't help it, they're so cute!- Oregano (new growth in two cells!)
- Basil - Genovese (more new growth!)
- Agastache Cana
- Bee Balm (4 cells!)
- Sage (1 fearless new sprout!)
- Tomatoes (germination in progress!)
- Pumpkin (1 seed beginning germination)
Genovese Basil: These seem slower to germinate than their purple relatives. But aren't they just as adorable?
The broccoli seedlings' leaves have opened up to face the light; and have darkened to a healthy colour! Great! I fear some may be a bit too spindly, but we shall see!
One lone, brave sage seedling poking out! Behind it: Chamomile growing vigorously!
These feisty oregano seedlings popped out pretty quickly! Just yesterday, they were green specks!
These calendula just love the light! Look at those strong, healthy leaves! The extremely tentacle-y one is still very tentacle-y, but we'll see how things play out. On the left photo, that black thing on the leaf tip is the seed casing, not fungus! I hope it will drop by itself soon.
French Marigolds (Tagetes patula) have also shown vigorous and healthy growth since the lamp!
The candy-stripe cosmos are still tall and spindly, averaging 7-8cm tall! I really hope I don't have to throw these away... Perhaps the remaining two cells will germinate slower... Otherwise, I'm not sure what I'll do with these spindly seedlings...
And of course, one lone pumpkin seed beginning germination! I'm so proud!
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