Working backwards... Most of the crops I'd like to plant need about a month to germinate indoors before they're ready to move permanently outside. Last year, I believe I started my seeds on the last day of exams, or at least after the important ones were over. I'll have to check again.
Since last year's tomatoes were a huge hit--in particular the Sunsugars--I'll be giving them more garden space this year! Here are my tentative plans (click to enlarge).
3x16 bed:
That's right, TEN tomato plants. I may also plant some tall-ish crops with the marigold, maybe celery? Something that likes the shade of the tomatoes...
Mom has some beans from her friend, and I may plant some behind the zucchini to help fix nitrogen into the soil. Although last year, the birds kept eating the peas I planted in that spot!
3x6 bed:
I want to be just swimming in carrots by the end of the season. If I time it correctly, I may be able to have an almost continual supply of carrots until late fall! (If every seed produces a carrot and I only sow once, I'll have 144 carrots!)
The broccoli is up for debate; but I would need a tall crop to grow at the very back. Maybe peppers?
I'm also considering building another 3x6 bed. If I have the resources, here's what I might plant, though I haven't given it too much thought yet.
I'm so excited! I just can't wait til it's seed starting time!
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