A little journal of my adventures in gardening, cooking and other constructive projects.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Potting Tomatoes


While I was out doing yardwork, we had a visitor!  Cute little guy was munching away on clover and dandelion heads.  Who was I to stop him?


Potting Tomatoes

We've had moderate success with potting tomatoes in the past.  I decided to do it again.

Right:  Here are the containers Mom let me I decided to use, along with the tomato seedlings (one of each kind) and a cage in the background.  One of the containers had had a plant in it, so I had to take the soil out first.

Since the drainage holes were so big, I filled the bottoms in with coconut mulch, about two inches.


Then some perlite to fill in some gaps...

I picked up this "Flower & Vegetable Garden Soil PLUS" by CIL a while back.  I had mistaken it for compost at the time, and was excited by the fact it had helpful bacteria in it.  Oh well!  Add soil on top of perlite-mulch mixture.

Add perlite on top of soil.

Mix to distribute perlite.

Transplant tomatoes.

Install cages.  Fertilise if necessary.  Water.  Done!

Flower Planter

Remember that Agastache Cana I pinched back?  Looks like it's doing very well!

I decided to pinch back the central plant, too.

Garden Bed

There were all these dandelion seed puffs floating around today.  I saw a cloud of them about half the size of my palm!  Some of them made it through the netting over the 3x16 bed.  I'd rather pluck out seedlings later than deal with the fluff now.

Aw, poor nasturtium seedling...  Those leaves just couldn't handle the change from the warm plastic bottle greenhouse.  But it's tough, it'll live :).


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